Matthew Lovato

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Matthew Lovato
Matthew Lovato is the oldest grandson of renowned jeweler, Anthony Lovato. His mother is Christina Yazzie (Navajo) and his father is Deedrick Lovato (half Santo Domingo, half Hopi - his lineage is that of Frog Woman). Matthew’s mother encouraged him to continue the Lovato lineage of jewelry and art making.

Since a young boy Matthew has loved every form of art. He especially loves painting landscape, pollinators, and wild life. He also has started making pottery. His biggest influence in jewelry and tufa casting comes from his grandfather and uncles. Matthew also enjoys the family business of cattle, ranching, and farming.
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Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Earrings by Matthew Lovato - Garland's
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Earrings by Matthew Lovato - Garland's
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