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Le corail rouge, ou corail méditerranéen, désigne plusieurs espèces de coraux marins dont le corrallium rubrum . Le corail de qualité bijouterie est connu pour ses squelettes rouge vif ou rose qui peuvent être brillamment polis. Le corail rouge de la plus haute qualité provient de la mer Méditerranée.
94 items
Coral and Turquoise Cuff by Ruth Yazzie - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Cuff by Ruth Yazzie - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Cuff by Ruth Yazzie - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Cuff by Ruth Yazzie - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Cuff by Marie Jackson - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Cuff by Marie Jackson - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Flower Cuff by Rebecca Begay - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Flower Cuff by Rebecca Begay - Garland's
Coral Necklace by Marcella Teller - Garland's
Coral Necklace by Marcella Teller - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Yei Bola Tie by Toby Henderson - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Yei Bola Tie by Toby Henderson - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Sunface Bola Tie by Toby Henderson - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Sunface Bola Tie by Toby Henderson - Garland's
Gold Dancing Stick Earrings by Melanie and Michael Lente - Garland's
Gold Dancing Stick Earrings by Melanie and Michael Lente - Garland's
Gold Dancing Stick Pendant by Melanie and Michael Lente - Garland's
Gold Dancing Stick Pendant by Melanie and Michael Lente - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Ring by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Ring by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Healing Hand Pin and Pendant by Mary Lovato - Garland's
Healing Hand Pin and Pendant by Mary Lovato - Garland's
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