
71 items


Les bracelets sont peut-être la forme la plus reconnue de bijoux du sud-ouest. Populaires pour leur diversité de conception, nous voyons trois formes principales de bracelets : les manchettes, les bracelets à maillons et les bracelets joncs. Les manchettes sont le type de bracelet le plus traditionnel pour les orfèvres amérindiens du sud-ouest. Les manchettes sont des bracelets métalliques rigides qui se glissent sur le poignet par une ouverture. Les bracelets à maillons encerclent le poignet et sont fermés par un fermoir. Les bracelets joncs sont des bracelets rigides à cercle complet qui s'enfilent sur la main et se portent lâchement au poignet. Au départ, les bracelets étaient tous en argent, coulés ou martelés à la main. Dans les années 1880, la technique de sertissage de la turquoise en argent a été introduite et les modèles de bracelets allaient changer pour toujours.

En savoir plus : Guide des tailles Tufa Casting Stamping Overlay

71 items
1980s Gold Inlay Cuff by Tom David - Garland's
1980s Gold Inlay Cuff by Tom David - Garland's
Arrow Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Arrow Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Turquoise Arrow Cuff by Christopher Ray Yazzie - Garland's
Turquoise Arrow Cuff by Christopher Ray Yazzie - Garland's
Gold on Silver Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Gold on Silver Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Gold on Silver Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Gold on Silver Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Gold and Silver Bear Bracelet by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Gold and Silver Bear Bracelet by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Gold and Silver Bear Bracelet by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Gold and Silver Bear Bracelet by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Coral Sunface Cuff by Wes Willie - Garland's
Coral Sunface Cuff by Wes Willie - Garland's
Cobbled Inlay Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Cobbled Inlay Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Cuff by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Cuff by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Silver and Gold Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Jet Heishi Bracelet by Joe Jr. and Valerie Calabaza - Garland's
Jet Heishi Bracelet by Joe Jr. and Valerie Calabaza - Garland's
Gold on Silver Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Gold on Silver Cuff by Bruce Morgan - Garland's
Coral Cuff by Al Joe - Garland's
Coral Cuff by Al Joe - Garland's
Inlay Cuff by Duane Maktima - Garland's
Inlay Cuff by Duane Maktima - Garland's
Gold on Silver Bear Cuff by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Gold on Silver Bear Cuff by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Multi-Stone Inlay Cuff by Duane Maktima - Garland's
Multi-Stone Inlay Cuff by Duane Maktima - Garland's
Gold and Silver Bear Cuff by Robert Taylor - Garland's
Gold and Silver Bear Cuff by Robert Taylor - Garland's
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