
45 items

Le corail rouge, ou corail méditerranéen, désigne plusieurs espèces de coraux marins dont le corrallium rubrum . Le corail de qualité bijouterie est connu pour ses squelettes rouge vif ou rose qui peuvent être brillamment polis. Le corail rouge de la plus haute qualité provient de la mer Méditerranée.
45 items
Coral Flower Ring by Rebecca Begay - Garland's
Coral Flower Ring by Rebecca Begay - Garland's
Coral Arrow Ring by Christopher Ray Yazzie - Garland's
Coral Arrow Ring by Christopher Ray Yazzie - Garland's
Pink Coral Ring by Na Na Ping - Garland's
Pink Coral Ring by Na Na Ping - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Ring by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Ring by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Coral Ring by Trent Lee-Anderson - Garland's
Coral Ring by Trent Lee-Anderson - Garland's
Gold Coral Ring by Abraham Begay - Garland's
Gold Coral Ring by Abraham Begay - Garland's
Gold Inlay Ring by Abraham Begay - Garland's
Gold Inlay Ring by Abraham Begay - Garland's
1960s Coral Cluster Ring by Fannie Weebothee Ondelacy - Garland's
1960s Coral Cluster Ring by Fannie Weebothee Ondelacy - Garland's
Coral Inlay Ring by Earl Plummer - Garland's
Coral Inlay Ring by Earl Plummer - Garland's
Coral Gold Ring by Steve Arviso - Garland's
Coral Gold Ring by Steve Arviso - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Ring by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Turquoise and Coral Ring by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Coral Ring by Alex Sanchez - Garland's
Coral Ring by Alex Sanchez - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise and Coral Ring by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise and Coral Ring by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Coral Ring by Leonard Nez - Garland's
Coral Ring by Leonard Nez - Garland's
Angel Coral Ring by Bryan Joe - Garland's
Angel Coral Ring by Bryan Joe - Garland's
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