Définir des pierres

80 items



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Définir des pierres

Cabochons enveloppés de lunette

Lors du sertissage des pierres, l'artiste doit façonner et polir leurs pierres en cabochons. Les artistes créent ensuite des lunettes, ou des cercles saillants d'argent ou d'or, à la forme de chaque pierre. Les lunettes sont soudées sur la pièce principale et les pierres sont serties dans les lunettes. Dans la dernière étape, la lunette est serrée autour de la pierre pour la verrouiller en place.

80 items
Bisbee Turquoise Archer Bola Tie by Arland Ben - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Archer Bola Tie by Arland Ben - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Flower Cuff by Rebecca Begay - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Flower Cuff by Rebecca Begay - Garland's
Sonoran Gold Turquoise Necklace by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Sonoran Gold Turquoise Necklace by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Necklace by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Necklace by Tommy Jackson - Garland's
Arrow Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Arrow Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Arizona Inlay Bola Tie by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Arizona Inlay Bola Tie by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Carico Lake Turquoise Cuff by Jennifer Curtis - Garland's
Carico Lake Turquoise Cuff by Jennifer Curtis - Garland's
Royston Turquoise Necklace by Clarissa and Vernon Hale - Garland's
Royston Turquoise Necklace by Clarissa and Vernon Hale - Garland's
Coral Ring by Trent Lee-Anderson - Garland's
Coral Ring by Trent Lee-Anderson - Garland's
Sugilite Pendant by Bruce Eckhardt and Brett Bastien - Garland's
Sugilite Pendant by Bruce Eckhardt and Brett Bastien - Garland's
Pilot Mountain Turquoise Necklace by Debbie Silversmith - Garland's
Pilot Mountain Turquoise Necklace by Debbie Silversmith - Garland's
Lapis and Turquoise Necklace by Bruce Eckhardt - Garland's
Lapis and Turquoise Necklace by Bruce Eckhardt - Garland's
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