
57 items


Les premières boucles de ceinture en argent étaient de conception purement fonctionnelle, une seule boucle de métal avec une barre transversale pour maintenir la ceinture en place. Les boucles sont devenues bien plus, augmentant en taille et présentant des motifs complexes. Les boucles de ceinture de style occidental sont constituées d'une seule pièce avec une boucle de ceinture et un crochet. Les boucles de ceinture de l'ensemble Ranger sont généralement plus étroites en largeur et comprennent une pointe de ceinture et des passants pour maintenir la longueur de ceinture en excès.

En savoir plus : À propos des boucles de ceinture

57 items
Eagle Dancer Buckle by Ronald Wadsworth - Garland's
Eagle Dancer Buckle by Ronald Wadsworth - Garland's
Multi-Stone Buckle by Duane Maktima - Garland's
Multi-Stone Buckle by Duane Maktima - Garland's
Avanyu Buckle by Kee Yazzie - Garland's
Avanyu Buckle by Kee Yazzie - Garland's
1970s Overlay Buckle by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1970s Overlay Buckle by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Stamped Silver Buckle by Ron Bedonie - Garland's
Stamped Silver Buckle by Ron Bedonie - Garland's
Stamped Silver Buckle by Ron Bedonie - Garland's
Stamped Silver Buckle by Ron Bedonie - Garland's
Royston Turquoise Buckle by Chacón - Garland's
Royston Turquoise Buckle by Chacón - Garland's
Gold and Silver Ranger Set by Chacón - Garland's
Gold and Silver Ranger Set by Chacón - Garland's
Hammered Silver Ranger Set by Chacón - Garland's
Hammered Silver Ranger Set by Chacón - Garland's
Silver Ranger Set by Chacón - Garland's
Silver Ranger Set by Chacón - Garland's
Coral Buckle by Leonard Nez - Garland's
Coral Buckle by Leonard Nez - Garland's
Coral Belt Buckle by Kee Yazzie - Garland's
Coral Belt Buckle by Kee Yazzie - Garland's
Mosaic Inlay Buckle by Benny and Valerie Aldrich - Garland's
Mosaic Inlay Buckle by Benny and Valerie Aldrich - Garland's
Cobbled Inlay Buckle by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Cobbled Inlay Buckle by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Buckle by Richard Tsosie - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Buckle by Richard Tsosie - Garland's
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