Autre art

72 items

D'autres expressions de l'art du Sud-Ouest, notamment les vêtements, les paniers, les Kachinas, la poterie, les peintures sur sable, et plus encore...
72 items
1980s Miniature Horsehair Olla by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1980s Miniature Horsehair Olla by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Hopi Wicker Basket by Dora Tawahongva - Garland's
Hopi Wicker Basket by Dora Tawahongva - Garland's
Prix réduit $750 Prix régulier $950
1980s Hopi Wicker Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1980s Hopi Wicker Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Prix réduit $425 Prix régulier $550
1900 Turtleback Basket by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1900 Turtleback Basket by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Hopi Coil Bowl by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Hopi Coil Bowl by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
1900s Yokuts Polychrome Bowl by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1900s Yokuts Polychrome Bowl by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Yei-be-chai Basket by Alicia Nelson - Garland's
Yei-be-chai Basket by Alicia Nelson - Garland's
Hopi Kachina Basket by Tressa Kagenveama Collateta - Garland's
Hopi Kachina Basket by Tressa Kagenveama Collateta - Garland's
Prix réduit $2,300 Prix régulier $2,900
Hopi Kachina Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Hopi Kachina Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Prix réduit $520 Prix régulier $650
Hopi Kachina Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Hopi Kachina Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Prix réduit $2,000 Prix régulier $2,500
Hopi Kachina Basket by Neonia Kagenvaema - Garland's
Hopi Kachina Basket by Neonia Kagenvaema - Garland's
Prix réduit $2,200 Prix régulier $2,800
Hopi Kachina Basket by Emma Villa - Garland's
Hopi Kachina Basket by Emma Villa - Garland's
Prix réduit $3,000 Prix régulier $3,800
1990s Hopi Coil Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
1990s Hopi Coil Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Prix réduit $750 Prix régulier $950
Hopi Sunrise Plaque by Joyce Ann Saufkie - Garland's
Hopi Sunrise Plaque by Joyce Ann Saufkie - Garland's
Prix réduit $2,900 Prix régulier $3,600
Hopi Turtle Plaque by Joyce Ann Saufkie - Garland's
Hopi Turtle Plaque by Joyce Ann Saufkie - Garland's
Prix réduit $2,800 Prix régulier $3,600
Hopi Clown Basket by Kathryn Kooyahoema - Garland's
Hopi Clown Basket by Kathryn Kooyahoema - Garland's
Prix réduit $950 Prix régulier $1,200
Hopi Coil Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
Hopi Coil Basket by Annette Nasafotie - Garland's
"Creation of the Sun" Basket by Jonathan Black - Garland's
"Creation of the Sun" Basket by Jonathan Black - Garland's
Pima Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Pima Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Tonoho O'Odham Plaque by Marian Cruz - Garland's
Tonoho O'Odham Plaque by Marian Cruz - Garland's
Medicine Man Plaque by Sally Black - Garland's
Medicine Man Plaque by Sally Black - Garland's
Lightning Basket by Natalie Edgewater - Garland's
Lightning Basket by Natalie Edgewater - Garland's
Yucca Plaque by Gertina Lomakema - Garland's
Yucca Plaque by Gertina Lomakema - Garland's
1920s Chemehuevi Basket by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1920s Chemehuevi Basket by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Turtle Basket by Sally Black - Garland's
Turtle Basket by Sally Black - Garland's
Tohono O'Odham Olla by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Hopi Wicker Peach Basket by Dorleen Gashweseoma - Garland's
Hopi Wicker Peach Basket by Dorleen Gashweseoma - Garland's
Apache Tray by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Apache Tray by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1970s Hopi Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1970s Hopi Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Hopi Coil Plaque by Beatrice Dawahoya - Garland's
Hopi Coil Plaque by Beatrice Dawahoya - Garland's
1910 Apache Figured Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
1910 Apache Figured Plaque by Vintage Collection - Garland's
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