Bijoux en fonte de tuf

47 items

Bijoux en fonte de tuf

La pierre de tuf est un matériau de cendres volcaniques comprimées que l'on trouve sur la réserve Navajo. Il est plus facile à tailler que le grès et sa surface poreuse laisse une texture unique une fois le métal refroidi. Le dessin de l'artiste est gravé dans la surface plane à l'intérieur du moule. L'espace négatif creusé sera rempli d'argent ou d'or en fusion.

La pierre de tuf est très fragile et la plupart des orfèvres n'obtiendront qu'un bon moulage de chaque moule. Presque toutes les pièces moulées en tuf sont uniques car le moule se brisera littéralement après la coulée.

En savoir plus sur la technique de coulée de tuf

Certains bijoux de cette collection peuvent être des bijoux "sandcast", c'est-à-dire un moulage fabriqué à partir de sable compressé.

47 items
Kingman Turquoise Bola Tie by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Bola Tie by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Cuttlebone Cast Cuff by Jonah Hill - Garland's
Cuttlebone Cast Cuff by Jonah Hill - Garland's
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Cast Silver Barrette by Cordell Pajarito - Garland's
Cast Silver Barrette by Cordell Pajarito - Garland's
Number Eight Turquoise Ring by Cordell Pajarito - Garland's
Number Eight Turquoise Ring by Cordell Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Cuff by Noah Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Cuff by Noah Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Number Eight Turquoise Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Number Eight Turquoise Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Cuff by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Cuff by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Number Eight Turquoise Buckle by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Number Eight Turquoise Buckle by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Ring by Noah Pfeffer - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Ring by Noah Pfeffer - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Ring by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Ring by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Parrot Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Parrot Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Rain Cloud Cuff by Matthew Lovato - Garland's
Rain Cloud Cuff by Matthew Lovato - Garland's
Coral Parrot Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Coral Parrot Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Corn Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Corn Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Pilot Mountain Turquoise Horse Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Pilot Mountain Turquoise Horse Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Corn Maiden Pendant by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Corn Maiden Pendant by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Corn Spirit Pendant by Cordell Pajarito - Garland's
Corn Spirit Pendant by Cordell Pajarito - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Bracelet by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Coral and Turquoise Bracelet by Peter Nelson - Garland's
Turquoise Corn Maiden Pendant by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Turquoise Corn Maiden Pendant by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Turquoise Horse Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Turquoise Horse Cuff by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Cuff by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Kingman Turquoise Cuff by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Turquoise Corn Maiden Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Turquoise Corn Maiden Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Turquoise Corn Maiden Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
Turquoise Corn Maiden Pendant by Joel Pajarito - Garland's
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