
18 items


現在イランとして知られているペルシャは、2,000 年以上にわたってターコイズの重要な産地でした。ターコイズはもともとイラン人によって「勝利」を意味する「pirouzeh」と名付けられ、後にアラブの侵略後に「firouzeh」と呼ばれるようになりました。ペルシャの建築では、青色が地上の天国の象徴であるため、青色のターコイズが宮殿のドームを覆うために使用されました.
ペルシャ産ターコイズの大部分は、1970 年代後半に米国政府がイランに制裁を課す前に米国に輸入されました。

18 items
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ketoh Bracelet by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ketoh Bracelet by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Earrings by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Earrings by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Pendant by Albert Jake and Bruce Eckhardt - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Pendant by Albert Jake and Bruce Eckhardt - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Necklace by Debbie Silversmith - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Necklace by Debbie Silversmith - Garland's
Corn Maiden Pendant by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Corn Maiden Pendant by Anthony Lovato - Garland's
Cast Turquoise Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Cast Turquoise Cuff by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bruce Eckhardt and Brett Bastien - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bruce Eckhardt and Brett Bastien - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Stewart Yellowhorse - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Stewart Yellowhorse - Garland's
"Blue Maiden" Necklace by Larry Vasquez - Garland's
"Blue Maiden" Necklace by Larry Vasquez - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Cuff by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Cuff by Vintage Collection - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
Persian Turquoise Ring by Bob Robbins - Garland's
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