
21 products


伝統的に、ズニの宝石商は宝石細工の達人として知られていました。現在、南西部のすべての部族で信じられないほど才能のあるインレイ アーティストがいます。銀細工が導入される前は、ネイティブ アメリカンのアーティストが貝殻の上に石をはめ込んでいました。サントドミンゴのアーティスト、メアリー・ロヴァートは、今でもこの伝統的なスタイルのシェルインレイを制作しています。銀細工の導入により、これらの長く使用された宝石細工の技術は、銀と金に簡単に適用されました.現在、最も一般的に見られる宝石細工の作業には 3 つの異なるスタイルがあります。


21 products
Multi-Stone Bola Tie by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Multi-Stone Bola Tie by Edison Cummings - Garland's
Inlay Bola Tie by Jimmie Harrison - Garland's
Inlay Bola Tie by Jimmie Harrison - Garland's
Arizona Inlay Bola Tie by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Arizona Inlay Bola Tie by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
1970s Eagle Dancer Bola Tie by Jonathan Beyuka - Garland's
1970s Eagle Dancer Bola Tie by Jonathan Beyuka - Garland's
1970s Drummer Bola Tie by Jonathan Beyuka - Garland's
1970s Drummer Bola Tie by Jonathan Beyuka - Garland's
1970s Hoop Dancer Bola Tie by Jonathan Beyuka - Garland's
1970s Hoop Dancer Bola Tie by Jonathan Beyuka - Garland's
Inlay Bola Tie by Wes Willie - Garland's
Inlay Bola Tie by Wes Willie - Garland's
Colorful Inlay Bola Tie by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Colorful Inlay Bola Tie by Alvin Yellowhorse - Garland's
Multi-Stone Bola Tie by Jack Tom - Garland's
Multi-Stone Bola Tie by Jack Tom - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Bola Tie by Vernon Haskie - Garland's
Bisbee Turquoise Bola Tie by Vernon Haskie - Garland's
Healing Hand Bola Tie by Mary Lovato - Garland's
Healing Hand Bola Tie by Mary Lovato - Garland's
Inlay Bola Tie by Rick and Glendora Booqua - Garland's
Inlay Bola Tie by Rick and Glendora Booqua - Garland's
Multi-stone Bola Tie by Richard Tsosie - Garland's
Multi-stone Bola Tie by Richard Tsosie - Garland's
Cobble Inlaid Bola Tie by Wes Willie - Garland's
Cobble Inlaid Bola Tie by Wes Willie - Garland's
Lone Mountain Turquoise Bola Tie by Michael Perry - Garland's
Lone Mountain Turquoise Bola Tie by Michael Perry - Garland's
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