Teec Nos Pos
40 products
40 products
Teec Nos Pos, a Navajo settlement nestled in Northeastern Arizona, lies just seven miles from the iconic Four Corners Monument. The name Teec Nos Pos is an English rendition of the Navajo phrase Tiis Nazbas, which translates to "Circle of Cottonwood Trees". The distinct style of this region draws heavily from Persian rug designs, influenced in part by early interactions with trader John B. Moore from Crystal, New Mexico. Navajo weavers from the Teec Nos Pos area were introduced to Persian rug imagery, significantly shaping their own weaving patterns.
The Teec Nos Pos rug stands out as one of the most intricately detailed designs within Navajo weaving traditions. Its hallmark features include vibrant colors, eccentric designs, sharp contrasting outlines, and multiple bold borders. It often has a distinctive broad border (often an "X" or "H" shape) and an elaborate center with smaller complementary design elements. In addition to geometric patterns, Teec Nos Pos weavings may also incorporate eagle feathers, which are believed to carry prayers from earth to heaven in Navajo tradition.