Joel Pajarito
26 products
26 products
Joel Pajarito was born May 9th, 1984 in Kewa/Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico. He has been around jewelry making all his life with renowned jeweler Mary Lovato (d. 2022) as his doting grandmother and acclaimed tufa-cast jeweler Anthony Lovato as his father.
In high school, he took simple jewelry classes and made simple bracelets and rings, yet his best experiences were watching his father, Anthony, work. Anthony gave Joel and his two brothers their first “tufa” block and they all carved together to make their first bracelet. This was given to their grandmother on Mother’s Day. She of course loved the bracelet and wore it for many years. Mary said it made her smile to think of her three grandsons. Joel went on to design a bracelet with his talented grandmother.
The Lovato family owns 14 horses: Arabians, Quarter horses, Appaloosa, and Paint. They raise and breed the horses for traditional purposes such as ceremonies, games, hunting, and leisure.
Joel has become a great jeweler intermarrying both the tufa cast of his father, Anthony Lovato, and the traditional Santo Domingo of inlaid stones of his grandmother, Mary Lovato.
Joel has a wonderful son named Aiden Lucas. Joel's brother, Cordell, is also a well-known artist.